Chapter 5. Add Sizzle to Your Presentation with Effects

You can use effects on your slides to create presentations that sizzle. You can apply a shadow effect to transform an image that blends into the background into something that appears to pop off the slide.

You can anticipate questions and prepare to answer them when you insert hyperlinks in text or images that link to other places in your presentation. You can even create a button that opens another program and another document when clicked.

You can create visually stunning presentations that use animation effects to add movement and interest. You can also add entrance or exit effects to text or graphics to help explain complex concepts or illustrate relationships. For example, you can demonstrate sequences of events when you bring a Shape into a slide, explain it, and then click to remove the Shape and simultaneously replace it with another. In fact, you can choreograph multiple effects to occur on each slide just when and where you want them.

You can make your presentations look more professional by using transition effects to gracefully remove one slide and replace it with another. To enhance your presentation even more, you can apply a sound effect to a transition.

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Highlight Graphics When You Use Custom Shadows


Top 100


Create a Link to Go Elsewhere in the Presentation



Open a Document with the ...

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