Configuring server-to-server authentication

Earlier in the chapter, I said that I hope you like PowerShell. Well, here is why. Unfortunately, we don't have the space here to go through every command in detail. However, open up PowerShell and enter each line, pressing enter after each, and if all goes well you will be ready to start configuring hybrid search. You will need to change the following variables to match your environment:

$spsite=Get-Spsite http://sharepoint
$cerPath = "c:\Office365LabSTS.cer"
$pfxPath = "c:\Office365LabSTSCert.pfx"
$pfxPass = "DJ989we..wefds908*"

Once you have updated the variables, you are ready to run the script:

//IMPORT MODULES Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell Import-Module ...

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