Defining the culture for an application domain

With .NET 4.5, we have in our hands a way of specifying the default culture for all of our application threads in a quick and efficient way.

How to do it...

We will now define the default culture for our application domain as follows:

  1. Create a new Visual Studio project of type Console Application named caCultureAppDomain.
  2. Open the Program.cs file and add the using clause for globalization:
    using System.Globalization;
  3. Next, add the following methods:
    static void DefineAppDomainCulture() { String CultureString = "en-US"; DisplayCulture(); CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(CultureString); CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(CultureString); ...

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