Measurements and units of measure

Do not use measurements unnecessarily, especially in examples. When you do use measurements, follow these conventions:

  • Use numerals for all measurements, even if the number is less than 10, whether the unit of measure is spelled out or abbreviated. For the purposes of this discussion, units of measure include units of distance, temperature, volume, size, weight, points, and picas, but not units of time. Bits and bytes are also considered units of measure.

    Microsoft style

    5 inches

    0.5 inch

    8 bits

    64 pixels wide

  • For two or more quantities, repeat the unit of measure.

    Microsoft style

    17-inch to 19-inch monitor

    64 MB and 128 MB

    Not Microsoft style

    17- to 19-inch monitor

    64 and 128 MB

  • Connect the number to the unit of measure with ...

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