
Aproject of this scope is always the result of the efforts of many, many people — and this book was no exception. We are grateful to have played the role of the authors on this particular project. Many others supported that role by covering our responsibilities at home or in the office; and others contributed time and knowledge to this project.

Matt Wittemann's Acknowledgments

When I was approached by Wiley about writing this book I called Paul Nielsen, author of the SQL Server Bible to get his advice. Like some of the other authors I've spoken to, he warned me about the amount of work, time, and commitment a book of this magnitude would require. He also shared some great insight about how to organize the book's contents and start to tackle the subject matter.

In spite of this helpful advice, as I started this endeavor I didn't give enough consideration to the amount of work, time, and commitment that would be required of my family, co-workers, and friends in order to make this book possible. So I'd like to rectify this oversight in some small measure by thanking the following very supportive people:

My fantastic, loving, patient, beautiful, and patient (did I say that already?) wife, Elizabeth: Thank you. Aleksandr and Sofia: Thanks for being glad to see me when I made my infrequent and fleeting re-emergences into your lives, and for not driving your mother too crazy while I was writing.

Brian Goddard, thank you for suggesting that I look into this new-fangled CRM thing ...

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