

This book was built for those of you who are searching. Those of you who are wondering. Searching and wondering what on earth big data will mean for your data world. IT takes a different approach, however, than the litany of titles designed to spend hundreds of pages beating you over the head telling you that you need big data, that everyone is doing it, and that you have to be “cool,” too!

This author team wanted to create something that would be your go-to resource for moving from your existing relational world and provide you not only the roadmap forward but also practical experience for those of you who don't need the click here, move the mouse to the left, and click again level of instruction. We do explain some things in greater detail, but these are things that require this due to their newness or relative complexity.

We are focused on making sure you can ease your transition to using these tools and technologies because we have been where you are. Your boss came back from a conference and said, “We need a big data solution.” When you inquire what he would like it to solve, he doesn't really know, but he knows how critical it is that the organization have one. You will become the responsible party for making these big data dreams come true.

Normally, this would entail training classes and long hours combing the Internet like you did when they told you they needed ...

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