
CRYSTAL LONG lives with her two boys, dog, and cat. She does remote training and programming for people all over the world. Crystal is a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) and has been using Access on a near-daily basis since 1994. She builds applications, teaches, produces video tutorials (www.YouTube.com/LearnAccessByCrystal), shares tips and tools on her website (www.AccessMVP.com/strive4peace), and posts on several forums, including MS_Access_Professionals (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MS_Access_Professionals), MrExcel (www.MrExcel.com/forum), and UtterAccess (www.UtterAccess.com).


CHARLIE RANLETT is a technical writer by education, automotive handyman by hobby, and automotive support specialist at Cobalt by trade. Prior to contributing to Microsoft Access 2010 24-Hour Trainer, he helped create full support documentation for Microsoft's Live.edu implementation at Ohio State University and created development content for Microsoft's Pivot project. In his spare time he enjoys Android development, his Miata, and his family. He is lauded as an intuitive mechanic and an expert reader of Dr. Seuss.

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