

A/B testing, 198

access to websites through the Internet, 52

ACS (Azure Container Service), 129130, 132133

ACS Resource Provider, 121134

ADD, 60


content to containers, using volumes, 5354

dependencies to microservices, 111

agents, Apache Mesos, 148

aggregation, log aggregation, 217218

Alpine, 93

announcements, service discovery, 151

anti-corruption layer, 83

Apache Mesos, 147148

agents, 148

components, 148

diverse workloads, 150

frameworks, 148149

masters, 148

Mesosphere DCOS (Data Center Operating System), 149

service discovery, 150152

API Gateway, 159161


authentication, OpenID, 270

Batch APIs, ASP.NET, 270

HTTP error codes, 268

reliable actors API, 247

reliable services API, 249251

RESTful APIs, 267268

schedulers, ...

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