List of Acronyms

Short formFull form
µ TASminiaturized total analysis systems
3D-CAD3D computer aided design
ADSAaxisymmetric drop shape analysis
BCboundary condition
BVPboundary value problem
CADcomputer aided design
CCDcharge-coupled device
CFDcomputational fluid dynamics
CMCcritical micelle concentration
CMOScomplementary metal oxide semiconductor
CMTcritical micelle temperature
CODATACommittee on Data for Science and Technology
CPUcentral processing unit
DLLdynamically linked library
DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid
ENOessentially nonoscillatory
FDMfinite difference method
FEMfinite element method
FORTRANformula translating system
FVMfinite volume method
GPSglobal positioning system
GUIgraphical user interface
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
IBVPinitial boundary ...

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