
Abs, 98

Absolute address variable, 83

Acceleration sensor, 20

Accelerometer, 2

Actuator, 6

AD590, 16

AD7302, 270

ADCON0, 73, 114

ADCON1, 73, 114

Adder, 244

ADFM, 74



ADXL202, 21

Air flow sensor, 23

Analog comparator, 5

Analog temperature sensor, 16

Analog to digital converter, 2, 7275

AND, logical, 86

Anemometer, 23

Arithmetic logic unit, 7

Array of Jury's stability test, 189

Arrays, 84, 85

multiple dimension, 85

Asm, 103

Assembly language, 9

Attenuation property, 143

Auxiliary storage, 8

Back emf, 42

Backslash character, 86

Ballast coding, 12

BASIC, 9, 77

Bank0, 67

Bank1, 67

Bidirectional bus, 7

Bidirectional I/O, 71

Binary number, 89

Bit, 78

Block diagrams, 153

Bode diagram, 205

Break statement, 96

Built-in function 98

Buzzer, 119

CAN bus, 57

Capacitor, 37

Cascade\realization, 246

Centralized control, 5

Characteristic equation, 187

Choice of sampling interval, 263

Client, 6

Closed-loop system, 1

Closed-loop time response, 166

Closed-loop tuning, 237

Coefficient sensitivity, 246

Comments, 81

Compensator, 1

Configuration register, 71

Connecting an LCD, 111

Connecting an LED, 107

Continue statement, 96

Continuous time system, 2, 131


centralized, 5

direct digital control, 11


supervisory, 6

Control engineer, 1

Control unit, 7

Controller, 1

Controller algorithm, 10

Controller realization, 243

cascade, 246

direct canonical, 243

direct noncanonical, 245

parallel, 249

pid, 250

Cos, 98

Cosine function, 139

Current sink, 72

Current source, ...

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