Shodan Honeyscore Client

Checking whether a server is a honeypot or not is always a good idea. The last thing you want is to waste your time or be blocked because you were trying to attack a honeypot. Using the Shodan Honeyscore Client auxiliary module, you can use Shodan to check whether a server is a honeypot or not. The API returns a score from 0.0 to 1.01.0 being a honeypot:

msf > use auxiliary/gather/shodan_honeyscoremsf auxiliary(shodan_honeyscore) > set SHODAN_APIKEY 1dOobpT0SCLAQsq6yxogEKKh1p6yC2ibSHODAN_APIKEY => 1dOobpT0SCLAQsq6yxogEKKh1p6yC2ibmsf auxiliary(shodan_honeyscore) > set TARGET => auxiliary(shodan_honeyscore) > run[*] Scanning[-] is not a honeypot ...

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