How to do it...

  1. Let's start by launching an interactive Ruby shell with Meterpreter in our Metasploitable 3 target machine session:
meterpreter > irb[*] Starting IRB shell[*] The "client" variable holds the meterpreter client >>
  1. Now that we are in the Ruby shell, we can execute our Ruby scripts. Let's start with a basic addition of two numbers:
>> 1+1=> 2
  1. Our shell is working fine and can interpret the statements. Let's use the framework object and display information about our session:
>> framework=> #<Framework (2 sessions, 0 jobs, 0 plugins, postgresql database active)>>> framework.sessions=> {3=>#<Session:meterpreter ( "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM @ VAGRANT-2008R2">, 4=>#<Session:meterpreter ...

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