Getting ready

Let's build a small post-exploitation module that will enumerate all of the users on the target using WMIC. As it is a post-exploitation module, we will require a compromised target in order to execute the module:

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::Windows::WMIC

The script starts up with the class that extends the properties of the Msf::Post modules and the include statement to include the WMIC functionality.

Next, we will define the module's name, description, author, platform, and session type:

 def initialize(info={})     super( update_info( info,         'Name' => 'Windows WMIC User Gather',         'Description' => %q{             This module will enumerate user accounts using WMIC.         },         'License' => MSF_LICENSE,         'Author' => [ 'Daniel ...

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