

  1. Abnormal return
  2. Absolute priority rule
  3. Accounting manipulations, merger incentive (relationship)
  4. Ackman, William
  5. Acquirer
    1. financial screens
    2. hurdle rate
    3. P/E ratio
    4. value creation
  6. Acquiring companies, payment method
    1. long-term effects
    2. short-term effects
  7. Acquiring firms
    1. performance
    2. shareholders, yearly aggregate dollar return (1980–2001)
  8. Acquisitions. See also Mergers and acquisitions
    1. announcements, stock price reaction
    2. CEO initiation, board of director rewards
    3. corporate acquisitions
    4. creeping acquisitions, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules
    5. engagement, propensity
    6. laws
    7. multiples
    8. prices, change
    9. prior acquisitions, sales
    10. ranking
    11. real options, usage
    12. slow-growth industry, growth (achievement)
    13. strategy, Johnson & Johnson growth
    14. usage
  9. Active antitakeover defenses
  10. Active investments, performance (contrast)
  11. Activist hedge funds
    1. impact
    2. institutional investors, role
    3. private equity firms, contrast
    4. shareholder wealth effects
  12. Activists
    1. assets under management (AUM)
    2. bearish activist announcements, average cumulative market-adjusted returns
    3. board seat campaigns
    4. bullish activist announcements, average cumulative market-adjusted returns
    5. campaign, anatomy
    6. disclosure requirements
    7. funds, growth (macroeconomic foundations)
    8. hedge funds activists
    9. leader activists
    10. response, target defense implementation (timing)
    11. sell-offs, relationship
    12. serial activists
    13. shareholders, communications
    14. short-termism
    15. spinoffs/M&As, relationship
    16. target resistance
    17. targets, changes
    18. U.S. activist campaigns, ...

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