A. Weisbecker, M. Burmester & A. Schmidt (Hrsg.): Mensch und Computer 2015 Workshopband, Stuttgart: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2015, S. 145-147.

Formative Evaluation of Smartwatch Exergaming

Nicola Marsden1, Thomas Wollmann2, Britta Lohmann2, Gerrit Meixner2

H-InfaM Heilbronn Institute for Applied Market Research, Heilbronn University1 UniTyLab, Heilbronn University2


Exergaming for adolescents is a promising field of design. Going beyond console-based exergames, smartwatches can utilize the pervasive nature afforded by modern ubiquitous devices and use physical body movement and changes of location as the basis for gameplay. In a formative study of PokéWatch, a mobile location-aware exergame based on the game Pokémon we explore ...

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