Many somatic practices (martial arts, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique, etc.) believe that the body reprograms the mind and vice versa. It is interesting that the practice known in India as hatha yoga, which specifically addresses the idea of spiritual union through exertion of physical force, is more commonly known throughout the “intellectually focused” West simply as yoga, or union. Union of the mind and body is an integral aspect of our growth and evolution. This is why Chapter 5 emphasized the importance of physical exercise as a method of alleviating stress and maintaining balance in both trading and life in general.

Obviously the strength of human beings lies in our ability to achieve anything that we focus on with single-mindedness. Nevertheless, our sense of peace and wellness are indisputably enhanced by fitness of body and mind. If your goal is the achievement of greater flexibility in mind, practice various physical activities to ensure flexibility of the body (and vice versa).

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