Table of Contents






Chapter 1. Electromagnetic Environment

1.1. Electromagnetic radiation sources

1.2. Electromagnetic fields

1.3. Bibliography


Chapter 2. From Measurement to Control of Electromagnetic Waves using a Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Principle of the measurement using a local probe

2.3. Measurement of the electromagnetic field distribution inside nanophotonic components

2.4. Measuring the amplitude and phase in optical near-field

2.5. Active optical near-field microscopy

2.6. Conclusion

2.7. Acknowledgements

2.8. Bibliography


Chapter 3. Meteorological Visibility Measurement: Meteorological Optical Range

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Definitions

3.3. Atmospheric composition

3.4. Atmospheric effects on light propagation

3.5. Units and scales

3.6. Measurement methods

3.7. Visibility perturbation factors

3.8. Applications

3.9. Appendix – optical contrast and Koschmieder's law

3.10. Glossary

3.11. Bibliography


Chapter 4. Low Coherence Interferometry

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Phase measurement

4.3. Metrology considerations

4.4. Applications

4.5. Conclusion

4.6. Bibliography


Chapter 5. Passive Remote Sensing at Submillimeter Wavelengths and THz

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Submillimeter – THz low noise heterodyne receivers

5.3. Submillimeter – THz applications for astronomy and astrophysics

5.4. Submillimeter – THz remote-sensing applications to aeronomy and planetology

5.5. Conclusion

5.6. Acknowledgements

5.7. Bibliography


Chapter ...

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