Integrating Web Services and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services

  1. Stephen has just deployed a new application in HWLC's Production environment. This particular application uses a Custom Behavior to authenticate the service requests from a third-party Customer Relationship System (CRM). He needs to specify this endpoint behavior for this service, but is unable to modify the server's machine.config file. Where else can he register this endpoint behavior?
    1. Registry
    2. BTSNTSvc.exe.config
    3. WCF Send Handler
    4. Web.config
  2. Kim, an HWLC BizTalk developer, has been asked to consume a third-party Web Service over the Internet that is written in Java hosted on the Unix platform. Which WCF binding do you suggest her to use?
    1. BasicHttpBinding
    2. NetTcpBinding
    3. NetNamedPipeBinding ...

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