Chapter 11

Maximizing Visual Social Networks

To this point, we’ve concentrated on the major networks that are a part of most social strategies, or at least part of what most people participate in—blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+—but there are obviously a lot of other social media platforms available.

Does this mean you need to be involved in all platforms? Absolutely not. Your social media channel usage should be completely aligned with your social media strategy, which we covered back in Chapter 5.

In this chapter, we’ll look at maximizing YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram, channels that you may or may not be using depending on your target audience, your industry, and other factors. Some of these platforms may be more strategic for your company than others. For example, Pinterest is a natural fit for e-commerce, whereas Instagram is a great platform for engaging with mobile users as well as having crowdsourced photo campaigns. YouTube may also deserve your attention because video is an important part of marketing, and the site is still considered the second largest search engine in the world.


Visual social media marketing platforms have became particularly popular recently, and my 2013 prediction for the Content Marketing Institute1 was that they will continue to be so:

Although we have seen it emerging throughout 2012, 2013 will be the year in which content marketers truly embrace visual content. Whether it’s always posting with an ...

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