
We’ve spent a great deal of time on topics not directly related Maven to get this far. We’ve done this to present a complete and meaningful example project that you can use to implement real-world systems. We didn’t take any short cuts to produce slick, canned results quickly, and we’re not going to dazzle you with some Ruby on Rails-esque wizardry and lead you to believe that you can create a finished Java Enterprise application in “10 easy minutes!” There’s too much of this in the market; there are too many people trying to sell you the easiest framework that requires zero investment of time or attention. What we’ve tried to do in this chapter is present the entire picture, the entire ecosystem of a multimodule build. We’ve presented Maven in the context of an application that resembles something you might see in the wild—not a fast-food, 10-minute screencast that slings mud at Apache Ant and tries to convince you to adopt Apache Maven.

If you walk away from this chapter wondering what it has to do with Maven, we’ve succeeded. We presented a complex set of projects, using popular frameworks, and we tied them together using declarative builds. The fact that more than 60% of this chapter was spent explaining Spring and Hibernate should tell you that Maven, for the most part, stepped out of the way. It worked. It allowed us to focus on the application itself, not on the build process. Instead of spending time discussing Maven, and the work you would ...

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