Using Maven Behind a Proxy

Maven relies on an Internet connection, and it downloads all dependencies and plug-ins over HTTP. If you are working in a corporate environment, you may need to configure Maven to work with a proxy server.

How do I do that?

You will need to set some properties in your project's file. The file allows you to customize the behavior of Maven by setting named properties. To configure a proxy server, place the following file in the same directory as your project's project.xml file: =
maven.proxy.port = 80

These properties configure Maven to connect to port 80 on the machine. If you are using a proxy server that requires authentication, you will need to specify two additional properties:

maven.proxy.username = tobrien
maven.proxy.password = myp@ssw0rd

And, if you need to connect to a proxy server which requires NTLM authentication, set the following properties:

maven.proxy.ntlm.username = tobrien
maven.proxy.ntlm.password = myp@ssw0rd


In Section 2.1, you will learn that such user-specific properties should be defined in ~/ or %USERPROFILE%\ files. For now, define these properties in if you need to complete this lab from behind a firewall.

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