List of Commands/Functions

boxdistCalculates distance between neurons in SOFMs using grid topology
distCalculates Euclidian distance between neurons in SOFMs
gridtopGrid topology of neurons in SOFMs
hextopHexagonal topology function used in SOFMs
learsomLearning function for SOFMs
linkdistCalculates distance between neurons in SOFMs as no. of links
logsigSigmoidal transfer function with output range [0 1]
mandistCalculates Manhattan distance between neurons in SOFMs
mapminmaxPre-processes and post-processes the input–output data for better training of ANN
newffTo create a new network
newffCreate an MLP Neural network
newrbCreates an RBF network one neuron at a time iteratively
newrbeCreates an RBF network with zero error on training ...

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