2D Drawing palette, 41

!, Factorial, 4

≠, Unequal, 129

@, function application, 169

#, Slot, 119

%, Out, previous result, 4–5

^, Power, 3

&, pure function, 118–121

&&, And, 142–143

*, Times, 3

(*. . .*), comment, 13

_, Blank, 99, 114–115

, Minus, 3

+, Plus, 3

++, Increment, 127, 290

+ =, AddTo, 129–130

=, Set, 9, 114

==, Equal, 209–210

{. . .}, List, 9, 17

[. . .], function application, 2, 9

[[. . .]], Part, 19

| |, Or, 142–143

<, Less, 120

< >, StringJoin

>, Greater, 122

>>, hyperlink, 12

.nb, notebook file extension, 23

, string delimiter, 18

?, information escape, 24–25

, Derivative, 178

/, Divide, 3

/@, Map, 104–105

/., ReplaceAll, 94

//., ReplaceRepeated, 111

:=, SetDelayed, 114

;, CompoundExpression, 15

(), parenthesis, 3, 9

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