Final Exam

1. Name at least four types of delimiters used by Mathematica and describe how they are used.

2. Name two ways to hide large output cells.

3. What is the difference between Image?

4. What does N[x] do?

5. What does ?Select do?

6. What does ?*String do?

7. What is /. used for?

8. Explain the difference between:= and =.

9. How is the ampersand, &, used?

10. How is the “at” symbol, @, used?

11. What happens if you take the square root of a list of 10 numbers?

12. What is the difference between {1, 2, 3}*{a, b, c} and {1, 2, 3}.{a, b, c}?

13. Plot the graphs of y = x2 and y = 10 – x2 simultaneously.

14. Shade the area trapped between the two ...

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