Further Reading

Ashby, M.F., and Johnson, K, Materials and Design: The art and science of material selection in product design, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002

Ashby, M.F., Materials and the Environment: Eco-informed Material Choice, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012

Ball, Philip, The Ingredients: A Guided Tour of the Elements, Oxford University Press, 2002

Bralla, J.G., Handbook of Product Design for Manufacture: A practical guide to low-cost production, McGraw Hill, 1986

Brownell, Blaine, Transmaterial: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine our Physical Environment, Princeton Architectural Press, 2006. Miodownik, Mark, Stuff Matters, Penguin Books, 2013

FRAME & MatériO, Material World 2: Innovative Materials for Architecture and Design, Birkhäuser, 2006 ...

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