Chapter 5

Five Ways to Avoid Small Business Marketing Complacency

Charlie Cook

Standing still is falling behind. I hope that 2010 was your best year ever and that your marketing brought in new business every week. If so, reward yourself and your employees for your successes, but don't let success make you complacent about your small business marketing plans and strategies.

To take your business to the next level in 2011, shift your focus to what isn't working with your marketing.

In an issue of Fast Company, Charles Fishman describes James Wiseman's experience as a newly hired section manager at a Toyota plant in the United States.

For the first couple of weeks, Wiseman joined the weekly plant meetings and shared the successes of his team, maybe even bragging a little. Instead of congratulations, his comments were met with an awkward silence. Finally, the plant manager took Wiseman aside. “We all know you are a good manager, otherwise we wouldn't have hired you. But please talk to us about your problems so we can all work on them together.”

Toyota isn't satisfied with maintaining the status quo. Whether it's the quality of their products or the number of sales, it's the company's policy to look for ways to improve.

Make continual business marketing improvement your company policy. You'll find strategies, tactics, and detail plans to better your marketing results.

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If you want to improve on last year's results you'll need to improve ...

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