This benchmarking tool is used in order to run automated benchmarking tests against a MySQL server. It allows you to mimic large amounts of data warehouses.

To download, compile and install DBT2, please enter the following commands on the container's CLI:

# cd /srv/www
# wget -O dbt2-0.37.tar.gz https://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/osdldbt/dbt2/0.37/dbt2-0.37.tar.gz 
# tar -xvf dbt2-0.37.tar.gz 
# cd dbt2-0.37.tar.gz 
# ./configure --with-mysql 
# make 
# make install 
# cpan install Statistics::Descriptive 
# mkdir -p /srv/mysql/dbt2-tmp-data/dbt2-w3 
# ./src/datagen -w 3 -d /srv/mysql/dbt2-tmp-data/dbt2-w3 --mysql 

Once the data warehouses have been created, you should see the following messages:

Confirmation that the database warehouses ...

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