Beans and services

To be able to retrieve and store details of a todo, we need a Todo bean and a service to retrieve and store the details.

Let's create a Todo Bean:

    public class Todo {      private int id;      private String user;      private String desc;      private Date targetDate;      private boolean isDone;      public Todo() {}       public Todo(int id, String user, String desc,       Date targetDate, boolean isDone) {         super(); = id;        this.user = user;        this.desc = desc;        this.targetDate = targetDate;        this.isDone = isDone;      }       //ALL Getters    }

We have a created a simple Todo bean with the ID, the name of user, the description of the todo, the todo target date, and an indicator for the completion status. We added a constructor and getters for all fields.

Let's add ...

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