
The beans endpoint provides the details about the beans that are loaded into the Spring context. This is useful in debugging any problems related to Spring context.

An extract from the response of the /application/beans endpoint is shown below:

  {     "bean": "basicController",     "aliases": [],     "scope": "singleton",     "type": "com.mastering.spring.springboot.      controller.BasicController",     "resource": "file [/in28Minutes/Workspaces/      SpringTutorial/mastering-spring-chapter-5-6-        7/target/classes/com/mastering/spring/springboot/      controller/BasicController.class]",      "dependencies": [                     "messageSource"                    ]   },   {      "bean": "todoController",      "aliases": [],      "scope": "singleton",      "type": "com.mastering.spring.springboot.       controller.TodoController", "resource": ...

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