YAML configuration

Spring Boot also supports YAML to configure your properties.

YAML is an abbreviation for "YAML Ain't Markup Language". It is a human readable structured format. YAML is commonly used for configuration files.

To understand basic syntax of YAML, look at the example below ;(application.yaml). This shows how our application configuration can be specified in YAML.

spring:   profiles:      active: prodsecurity:   basic:      enabled: false   user:      name=user-name      password=user-passwordoauth2:   client:      clientId: clientId      clientSecret: clientSecret      authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,refresh_token,password      scope: openidapplication:   enableSwitchForService1: true   service1Url: http://abc-dev.service.com/somethingelse   service1Timeout: 250

As ...

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