The @Qualifier annotation

The @Qualifier annotation can be used to give a reference to a Spring bean. The reference can be used to qualify the dependency that needs to be autowired.

In the case of the following example, there are two sorting algorithms available: QuickSort and MergeSort. But since @Qualifier("mergesort") is used in the SomeService class, MergeSort, which also has a mergesort qualifier defined on it, becomes the candidate dependency selected for autowiring:

    @Component     @Qualifier("mergesort")     class MergeSort implements SortingAlgorithm {       // Class code here     }     @Component     class QuickSort implements SortingAlgorithm {      // Class code here     }     @Component     class SomeService {       @Autowired       @Qualifier("mergesort")  SortingAlgorithm ...

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