POS tagging

POS tagging probabilistically annotates each word with it's grammatical function—noun, verb, adjective, and so on. Usually, POS tagging serves as an input to syntactic and semantic analysis. Let's demonstrate POS tagging on the FACTORIE toolkit example, a software library written in Scala (http://factorie.cs.umass.edu). To start, you need to download the binary image or source files from https://github.com/factorie/factorie.git and build it:

$ git clone https://github.com/factorie/factorie.git
$ cd factorie
$ git checkout factorie_2.11-1.2
$ mvn package -Pnlp-jar-with-dependencies

After the build, which also includes model training, the following command will start a network server on port 3228:

$ $ bin/fac nlp --wsj-forward-pos ...

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