
The services section seems a bit boring, to be honest. Even with the dropcaps. I think we need some icons to make everything a bit more visually appealing. This will require us to add some elements for our icons. We'll also make the .services-title an h2 element instead of h3 so it matches Featured Products.

Open index.html and add the following:

<!-- BEGIN .services --> 
<section class="services"> 
    <h2 class="services-title">Swag Services</h2> 
    <div class="container"> 
        <article class="service"> 
            <div class="ion-clock"></div> 
            <h3 class="service-title">Fast Delivery</h3> 
        <article class="service"> 
            <div class="ion-earth"></div> <h3 class="service-title">Worldwide Shipping</h3> <p> ... </p> </article> <article class="service"> ...

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