Procs and the Four Ways of Calling Them

Unlike the language named after a certain serpent, Ruby embraces TMTOWTDI (pronounced as Tim Toady), or There’s more than one way to do it. The calling of Procs is a wonderful example. In fact, Ruby gives you four different ways:

  1. Proc#call(args)

  2. .(args)

  3. Threequals

  4. Lambdas

Fire up irb. Let’s begin by creating a very simple Proc:

 >>​ p = proc { |x, y| x + y }
 =>​ ​#<Proc:0x007ffb12907940@(irb):1>

There are two things to notice here. First, the return value tells you that a Proc has been created. Second, Ruby provides a shorthand to create Procs. This is really a method in the Kernel class:

 >>​ p = Kernel.proc { |x, y| x + y }
 =>​ ​#<Proc:0x007ffb12907940@(irb):1>

Of course, since Proc is ...

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