Block Pattern #1: Enumeration

You may have fallen in love with Ruby because of the way it does enumeration:

 >>​ ​%w(look ma no for loops)​.each ​do​ |x|
 >>​ puts x
 >>​ ​end
 =>​ [​"look"​, ​"ma"​, ​"no"​, ​"for"​, ​"loops"​]

Besides being very expressive, enumeration using blocks is more concise and less error-prone. It is concise because the block captures exactly what we want to do with each element (printing it out to the console). It is less error-prone compared to traditional for loops because it does away with indices that are prone to the infamous off-by-one error.

You should be familiar with this way of iterating over a collection, such as an Array. What is interesting is how these methods are

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