Executing Blocks with the yield Keyword

When you see yield anywhere in a Ruby block, you should think “execute the block.” Try out the following in irb:

 >>​ ​def​ do_it
 >>​ ​yield
 >>​ ​end
 =>​ ​:do_it

This is a pretty plain-looking piece of code that just executes any block you give it:

 >>​ do_it { puts ​"I'm doing it"​ }
 I'm doing it
 =>​ ​nil

Outputting a string doesn’t return any value. In other words, this block is executed merely for its side effects. Now, let’s make a block that returns a value and pass it into the do_it method:

 >>​ do_it { [1,2,3] << 4 }
 =>​ [1, 2, 3, 4]

What happens when we don’t pass in a block to do_it?

 >>​ do_it
 LocalJumpError: no block given (yield)
  from (irb):28:in `do_it'

irb helpfully ...

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