Step 4 – Creating the launch file for Gazebo trajectory controllers

After creating the configuration file, we can load the controllers along with Gazebo. We have to create a launch file which launches Gazebo, the trajectory controllers, and the MoveIt! interface in a single command.

The launch file seven_dof_arm_bringup_moveit.launch contains the definition to launch all these commands:

<launch> <!-- Launch Gazebo --> <include file="$(find seven_dof_arm_gazebo)/launch/seven_dof_arm_world.launch" /> <!-- ros_control seven dof arm launch file --> <include file="$(find seven_dof_arm_gazebo)/launch/seven_dof_arm_gazebo_states.launch" /> <!-- ros_control trajectory control dof arm launch file --> <include file="$(find seven_dof_arm_gazebo)/launch/seven_dof_arm_trajectory_controller.launch" ...

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