Installing Ruby

If you already have a modern Ruby installed (Ruby 1.9.x or 2.x), feel free to skip this part. If you don't have Ruby installed, follow through this simple explanation:


On Linux, you can use the apt-get command:

$ sudo apt-get install ruby

This will probably bring in a Ruby 1.9.3 installation, and if you're lucky and have a recent Linux distribution, a Ruby 2.0.0 (as of this writing, Ruby 2.2.0 exists, but I don't expect it to be streamlined into every Linux distribution).

To verify this, try the following commands, which will tell you about your Ruby and Rubygems versions (the Ruby's dependency manager):

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22 revision 39386) [x86_64-darwin12.2.1]
$ gem -v


On Windows, I recommend ...

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