Line profiler

line_profiler is actually not a package that's bundled with Python, but it's far too useful to ignore. While the regular profile module profiles all (sub)functions within a certain block, line_profiler allows for profiling line per line within a function. The Fibonacci function is not best suited here, but we can use a prime number generator instead. But first, install line_profiler:

 pip install line_profiler

Now that we have installed the line_profiler module (and with that the kernprof command), let's test line_profiler:

import itertools @profile def primes(): n = 2 primes = set() while True: for p in primes: if n % p == 0: break else: primes.add(n) yield n n += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': total = 0 n = 2000 for prime in itertools.islice(primes(), ...

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