The ping collection

Let's say our network contains a mix of Windows, Unix, and Linux machines with users adding their own Bring Your Own Device (BYOD); they may or may not support an ICMP ping. We can now construct a file with three types of common pings for our network, the ICMP, TCP, and UDP pings, in

#!/usr/bin/env python2from scapy.all import *def icmp_ping(destination):    # regular ICMP ping    ans, unans = sr(IP(dst=destination)/ICMP())    return ansdef tcp_ping(destination, dport):    # TCP SYN Scan    ans, unans = sr(IP(dst=destination)/TCP(dport=dport,flags="S"))    return ansdef udp_ping(destination):    # ICMP Port unreachable error from closed port    ans, unans = sr(IP(dst=destination)/UDP(dport=0))    return ans

In this example, ...

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