Chapter 5: Analyzing Network Traffic

  1. What is the Scapy function that can capture packets in the same way that tools such as tcpdump and Wireshark do?

scapy> pkts = sniff (iface = "eth0", count = n), where n is the number of packets.

  1. What is the best way to send a packet with Scapy indefinitely every five seconds in the form of a loop?

scapy> sendp (packet, loop=1, inter=5)

  1. What is the method that must be invoked with Scapy to check whether a certain port (port) is open or closed on a certain machine (host), and also to show detailed information about how packets are being sent?

scapy> sr1(IP(dst=host)/TCP(dport=port), verbose=True)

  1. What functions are necessary for implementing the traceroute command in Scapy?


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