
Deploying our new applications uses the same commands as before. We'll use puppet app show to provide a list of nodes with ordering. You'll see that our single DB produces a database; each webapp uses that database and produces an HTTP service resource, which is finally consumed by each load balancer:

[root@pe-puppet-master manifests]# puppet app showMyapp[myapp]    Myapp::Db[myapp] => mysql      + produces Database[db-myapp]    Myapp::Web[myapp-1] => appserver      + produces Http[web-myapp-1]        consumes Database[db-myapp]    Myapp::Web[myapp-2] => appserver2      + produces Http[web-myapp-2]        consumes Database[db-myapp]    Myapp::Lb[myapp-1] => haproxy        consumes Http[web-myapp-1]        consumes Http[web-myapp-2]    Myapp::Lb[myapp-2] => haproxy2 consumes Http[web-myapp-1] ...

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