Operating systems support

Express the operating systems your module supports in the module's metadata.json, as shown in the following example:

"operatingsystem_support": [       { "operatingsystem": "RedHat", },       { "operatingsystem": "Ubuntu", },]

The Facter facts operatingsystem and operatingsystemrelease are expected. Here's a more complete example:

"operatingsystem_support": [       {           "operatingsystem":"RedHat",           "operatingsystemrelease":[ "5.0", "6.0" ]       },       {           "operatingsystem": "Ubuntu",           "operatingsystemrelease": [               "12.04",               "10.04"           ]       }   ]

Check the metadata.json file for validity afterwards using the new pdk command:

$ pdk validate metadata

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