Managing alarms

To manage the different aspects of an alarm, we can use the following cmdlets:

  • Get-AlarmAction
  • New-AlarmAction
  • Remove-AlarmAction
  • Get-AlarmDefinition
  • Set-AlarmDefinition
  • Get-AlarmActionTrigger
  • New-AlarmActionTrigger
  • Remove-AlarmActionTrigger

There is no direct cmdlet available to create an alarm. We can create an alarm using the vSphere APIs, which we will cover in a later chapter. So, in this section, we will cover how to define and manage the different aspects of an existing alarm.

An alarm has main three parts: an alarm definition, alarm action, and alarm action trigger.

In the following screenshot, the definition is where you will define the name, description, type, and whether it is enabled or not:

We can use the Get-AlarmDefinition

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