Configuring vFLASH using PowerCLI Extensions

PowerCLI Extensions is a VMware fling that provides extra cmdlets to manage the Virtual Flash in an ESXi host. To get the fling and install it, follow the procedure mentioned in this link: The cmdlets provided in this module are as follows:

We can configure virtual flash in an ESXi hosts using the following cmdlets:

  • Get-VMHostVFlashConfiguration
  • Set-VMHostVFlashConfiguration

The following cmdlets can be used to configure vFlash Cache for a particular hard disk:

  • Get-HardDiskVFlashConfiguration
  • Set-HardDiskVFlashConfiguration

The last three cmdlets are the ones related to instant cloning of the VMs:

  • Enable-InstantCloneVM
  • Get-InstantCloneVM
  • New-InstantCloneVM

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