Using sliding windows

So far the window we have used inside our query has been static. However, for calculations such as a moving average, this is not enough. A moving average needs a sliding window that moves along as data is processed.

Here is an example of how a moving average can be achieved:

test=# SELECT country, year, production,  
   min(production) OVER (PARTITION BY country                             ORDER BY year ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING) 
FROM t_oil 
WHERE year BETWEEN 1978 AND 1983 
      AND country IN ('Iran', 'Oman');  country | year | production | min ---------+-------+------------+------ Iran | 1978 | 5302 | 3218 Iran | 1979 | 3218 | 1479 Iran | 1980 | 1479 | 1321 Iran | 1981 | 1321 | 1321 Iran | 1982 | 2397 | 1321 Iran | 1983 | 2454 | 2397 Oman ...

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