Getting joins right

Before we dive into optimizing joins, it is important to take a look at some of the most common problems arising with joins and which of them should ring alarm bells for you.

Here is an example:

test=# CREATE TABLE a (aid int);CREATE TABLEtest=# CREATE TABLE b (bid int);CREATE TABLEtest=# INSERT INTO a VALUES (1), (2), (3);INSERT 0 3test=# INSERT INTO b VALUES (2), (3), (4);INSERT 0 3

In the next example, you will see a simple outer join:

test=# SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (aid = bid); aid | bid-----+-----   1 |   2 |    2   3 |    3 (3 rows)

You can see that PostgreSQL will take all rows from the left-hand side and only list the ones fitting the join.

The next example might come as a surprise to many people:

test=# SELECT * 

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