Querying pg_stat_activity

The following query shows how many queries are currently executed on your database:

test=# SELECT datname,         count(*) AS open,         count(*) FILTER (WHERE state = 'active') AS active,         count(*) FILTER (WHERE state = 'idle') AS idle,         count(*) FILTER (WHERE state = 'idle in transaction')                  AS idle_in_trans FROM  pg_stat_activity GROUP BY ROLLUP(1);  datname  | open  | active | idle | idle_in_trans----------+-------+--------+------+--------------- postgres | 2     | 1      | 0    | 1          | 2     | 1      | 0    | 1(2 rows)

To show as much information as possible on the same screen, partial aggregates are used. You can see active, idle, and idle-in-transaction queries. If you see a high number of idle-in-transaction queries, it is definitely important ...

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