Tracking, archiving, and streaming

In this section, we will take a look at some features related to replication and transaction log archiving. The first thing to inspect is pg_stat_archiver, which tells us about the archiver process moving the transaction log (WAL) from the main server to some backup device:

test=# \d pg_stat_archiver  
                       View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_archiver"        Column       |           Type           |... 
 archived_count     | bigint                   |... 
 last_archived_wal  | text                     |... 
 last_archived_time | timestamp with time zone |... 
 failed_count       | bigint                   |... 
 last_failed_wal    | text                     |... 
 last_failed_time   | timestamp with time zone |... 
 stats_reset        | timestamp with time zone |... 

pg_stat_archiver contains important information ...

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